Add Poppy Seeds To Your Eating Life With These Ideas

Food & Cooking Blog

Poppy seeds aren't just good for your bagels or homemade burger buns; they are in fact a great source of a number of minerals that are essential for good health. Zinc, iron, phosphorus and calcium are just some of the vital nutrients that these seeds contain. Because these seeds are so small and don't have an overwhelming taste, eating them can be a great way to be proactive about having a healthy diet. Use these ideas to add poppy seeds to your life.

Put Them On Your Salads

A simple thing you can start doing to benefit from the taste and nutrition that these seeds can offer is to grab a handful and put them in your favorite salad. This is an especially good idea if you enjoy other kinds of seeds in your salads too.

You might want to try something different and put poppy seeds on top of your salad by making a seed and honey dressing. Mix together some apple cider vinegar, mustard, oil, honey and seeds to taste; when you've got a flavor you like, spritz it onto any salad and enjoy.

Sprinkle Them Into Your Breakfast Foods

If you regularly add granola to your morning yogurt, you can also sprinkle some poppy seeds into your yogurt. Do you prefer to make smoothies each morning? A small amount of poppy seeds in the smoothie will boost your nutrition and you won't even notice that they're there.

Warm breakfast foods can also benefit from the use of poppy seeds. If you enjoy hot cereal or oatmeal, there are a couple ways you can add the seeds. You can sprinkle them after the cereal or oatmeal has been prepared so the seeds can provide a crunchy texture, or you can add the seeds to the food while it's cooking so that they soften.

Add Them to Your Cakes

Poppy seeds can even be delicious when used in a number of dessert recipes if you remember to try them. The next time you're making a bundt cake, coffee cake or pound cake, simply use your recipe as you normally would, with one change: before you put your dessert into the oven to start baking, sprinkle some seeds into the mixture. Cook, cool and frost as usual.

After reading about how easy it can be to add poppy seeds to your everyday diet, pick up some at a nearby health food store. If you plan to eat them regularly, save money by buying poppy seeds online. Learn more here.


17 August 2016

Pasta Ideas for Weeknight Dinners

I simply adore preparing meals for my family. However, due to work responsibilities, I don’t always have much time to cook dinner on weeknights. Thankfully, I’ve collected and developed a ton of easy, pasta recipes over the years. Delicious, filling pasta dishes only take minutes to cook. And, everyone in my family loves them. Some of my favorite Italian dishes to prepare on weeknights include chicken pasta, hamburger macaroni, tuna macaroni, macaroni and cheese, and spaghetti with meatballs. On this blog, I hope you will discover the reasons pasta dishes are the perfect complements to your weeknight, menu plan. Enjoy!