Three Steps For Monetizing Your Food Blog

Food & Cooking Blog

More than ever, the internet is influencing what people eat—90% of people in one survey admit that they go online looking for recipes and nearly 1/3 of the general population reports that they post photos of their food online from time to time. The internet's obsession with food is also turning into a money-making venture for a lot of ordinary people as they learn how to monetize their blogs and turn their enthusiasm for food into cash. This is how to start.

1.) Figure out your niche.

While there are some very successful food blogs that take a general approach, some of the true superstar food bloggers out there have found their fame by focusing on a niche market. For example, Sally Quinn found her power by focusing on baked goods, while foodies like Aine Carlin found a market by focusing on the growing vegan population. 

Try to figure out what sort of food appeals most to you and consider concentrating your blog around that idea, whether it's how to create delicious dishes that are gluten-free or decadent desserts for chocoholics. That gives you an easy place to start and can help keep you from losing focus as your expand your body of work.

2.) Make sure you know how to take attractive photos.

You've probably heard that people eat with their eyes first—and when it comes to your blog, people are going to judge your food based on what they see on your blog. Buy a decent digital camera and learn how to use it, and watch every video you can find online about taking food photos. You need to be able to capture the true colors of your food with crisp visuals and learn how to edit your photos like a pro for the best results.

3.) Keep the posts coming on a regular basis.

More than anything else, you need regular content if you want regular traffic to your website. Whether you decide to blog once a week or three times a week, set a schedule and stick to it. You can combine your original recipes with other types of content that will help you successfully monetize your site:

  • Sponsored posts allow you to use a company's product in your own recipe, while you offer a review that lets readers know how it tastes and what it is like to cook or bake with.
  • Advertising from products that relate to your blog can also help pay the bills. For example, if you work with different types of chocolate, you may want to accept advertising from brands that you use and trust in your recipes.
  • Giveaways and promotions can help you drive traffic to your site. You may even be able to partner with some of the companies that you agree to accept sponsorship from in order to cross cross-promote your site with their product.

Food blogging can be a wonderfully rewarding experience—both emotionally and financially, but it takes time and effort to craft a site that will really appeal to all those hungry foodies out there. 


17 August 2016

Pasta Ideas for Weeknight Dinners

I simply adore preparing meals for my family. However, due to work responsibilities, I don’t always have much time to cook dinner on weeknights. Thankfully, I’ve collected and developed a ton of easy, pasta recipes over the years. Delicious, filling pasta dishes only take minutes to cook. And, everyone in my family loves them. Some of my favorite Italian dishes to prepare on weeknights include chicken pasta, hamburger macaroni, tuna macaroni, macaroni and cheese, and spaghetti with meatballs. On this blog, I hope you will discover the reasons pasta dishes are the perfect complements to your weeknight, menu plan. Enjoy!